We had a Colombian family that was waiting in the consulate take this photo. The were all smiley and excited that we were so happy to be getting our visas. They told us that Colombia is a great country and as we were leaving they waved and said, "See you there!"
The other news is that we're engaged! Brad proposed on Wednesday night, and of course I said yes.
Some hillbillies took this picture. The lady hillbilly said, "Get your ring up there girl!" Then the old man said, "You ain't gonna run off now are ya?" Brad pointed to my shoes and said, "Not in those shoes she isn't." Hahahaha. We got lots of good wishes that night.
And two free, delicious, chocolatey desserts from The Park Grill.
We stayed at the Marriot on Michigan Avenue. This was an attempt to show the view from our window, but our faces got in the way. Brad looks proud doesn't he?
We found this on our walk through the park: