Wednesday, August 29, 2007

mystery solved!

For those of you who missed the TIC post I'll fill you in. Two weeks ago I got sick--really sick and I didn't know why. Well, today I was hanging out at the pool when another gringo wandered by. This particular gringo had a party at his house the night I took ill. We got to talking about tap water somehow and he was saying that he has never gotten sick from drinking the water in Barranquilla (sidenote: he lived in Africa for years, so I imagine his stomach is pretty strong). I began filling in the pieces and remembering that I drank water out of a bottle in his fridge the night of the party. Here's how the mystery was solved:
"Was that water in your fridge the night of your party from the tap?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Because I drank it and later I was really sick."
"It's never made me sick."
"Yeah, but you used to live in Africa."
"Oh, yeah, you're right."
Okay, lesson learned, though had I known I never would have been stupid enough to drink tap water. Next time I'll ask.

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