We left for La Mina, the town where Susana grew up, at 9 o'clock Friday morning. That is, I guess, we were supposed to leave at 9, but our ride didn't show up. So, we stepped out into the pouring rain and hailed a taxi. We should have known right then that the trip was going to be a semi-disaster, but we were still had that beginning of vacation optimism that couldn't be weakened. The taxi headed straight into an arroyo, where we had to wait for about 20 minutes until another, bigger arroyo subsided. This arroyo was by far the biggest I'd ever seen. It looked like a river, a river that I wouldn't want to be in on a boat.
Once we got to the bus station we had a pretty easy five hour ride to La Mina. Although people from roadside towns were constantly hopping on the bus to sell food like grilled plantains and goat meat steaks the bus still made a 30 minute stop to get food. We passed the time by taking pictures:
It cost 25 cents for a square of toilet paper
We made it to the mine around 4, an hour late, so we missed getting picked up by Susana's mom. Susana was flying in from Bogota and wasn't due to be there until 11, so we were in town, without much a clue what to do. We found the hotel, which wasn't hard since there was only one and watched tv until Susana found us.
The next morning we left La Mina early to go to the beach. We hired a truck to take us on the three hour drive. The five of us me, Brad, Amber, Susana and her boyfriend Beberto all rode in the tailgate. We managed to have a pretty good party going before 8 in the morning.

After an hour or so we stopped in the last town before the desert to buy supplies. There, Amber bought a pineapple that later saved our lives.
We didn't buy this meat
The goats in the picture are alive. I don't want to talk about it.
Finally, we made it to the beach and I ran into the ocean. We were hot, covered in desert dirt, and we smelled like goats. We slept in hammocks, there was a restaurant that served fish and had some other supplies, one really icky toilet and a bucket of water for showering. There wasn't any electricity, but we did have a thatched roof over our heads.

Later we hiked up a hill to watch the sunset.
The next morning we woke up and said goodbye to our beach to head to another. First I bought some dresses made by the Indian tribe (Native Colombian, but people here aren't that politically correct) that lives in the area. Here is a woman making bags and hats:

This is Cabo de la Vela
After spending two hours in some intense sun, we climbed back into the truck to return to La Mina. Feeling hot, sunburned, sweaty, nauseous, and cranky we spent about an hour bumping along the road in a desert on the equator.
Just as I started thinking I couldn't possibly be any more miserable, the wheel fell off of the truck.
The truck thudded to the ground, but the wheel just kept on rolling. The driver finally caught up to it, but about that time Brad slid out of the truck and started puking all over the side of the road. Fortunately, Amber appeared with the life saving pineapple.

This is my "I'd rather not be here right now" smile
Eventually, the tire got fixed and we were on our way, but we still had a good three hours to go. We did eventually make it back to La Mina, where we stayed at Susana's parents' house. There we had showers, a nice home-cooked meal, and access to satelite tv. It was wonderful.
The next day we had a relatively easy bus ride back to Barranquilla. We were pretty happy to get home.
Thinking about it now, we did have a great time, it was just really rough traveling. Next vacation we're staying at the Hilton.
Looks like you guys had some fun even though there were bumps along the way! The pictures are great, what a story!!
The goat picture is VERY disturbing
What gives them the right to tie them up like that!?!?
Nothing cures sun stroke like some nice fresh goat steaks. MMMMMM.
Upside down goat is a delicacy, especially when covered with extra goat sauce.
I am never travelling with you, never ever. Who planned this holiday? The group survivalist? Bloody broken down truck in the desert on the equator. Next stop, cannibalism! =0)
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