Monday, January 28, 2008

Pet Paragraphs

Because the 7th graders are going to start reading Where the Red Fern Grows I had them write a paragraph about one of their pets. Here are my favorites, the spelling and grammar mistakes aren't mine.

Pepe was a very happy turtle. He was the fastest turtle on the world. He died when I took him to a camp summer (summer camp) and their a crocodile eat my little Pepe. Since that day I hate crocodiles.

As you may see my pet parrot, has a name: phillip. He is very handsome, I always feed him, play with him. For the past 5 months he hasn't died, I hope he doesn't for the next ears, because I am having a pretty nice time with him. Like all parrots he repeats what he hears so most people have fun and laugh when they are with him.

I wanted a squirl but my father and mother didn't let me. One day a man bought it and gave it to me and I started giving it milk and pasitire (?). When it grew up I started giving it nuts and it went up all the doors to eat the nut. It ate the doors and did things that distroy the house. I gave it to my chofer and he let it free.

My dad went to Argentina, the southern part of Argentina. Mt dad liked penguins so be brought me one. I named him Bob. Bob lived with me only one week, he walked all over the house with the air conditioner on. My dad told me that he died because Barranquilla was not an habitat for penguins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are great! I want to come and hang out with these kids.