Friday, April 11, 2008

The Devil Wears Feathers

A pigeon has made its nest in our windowsill. But this is not any ordinary pigeon, it's a devil pigeon! It's black and it has red eyes. It's horrible. And it's hatched two devil babies that are so sick looking that even writing about them is making my stomach churn.

In other news I've joined a gym. For quite some time I've had Colombians telling me that I'm getting fat, "Aye, estas gordita!" So I decided to do something about it. The gym is nice, very modern. Plus, they provide trainers at no extra cost. And the people watching is worth the price of admission: fake boobs and butts ensconced in fluorescent body suits, unnaturally thin women hunched over a treadmill going one mile an hour while talking on their cellphones, men openly leering everything that walks past...

Today we are having an inservice because the school has decided to start standardized testing, which is....thrilling. I've spent the day drawing pictures of the people sitting around me and making snide comments about the inservice leader. I'm beginning to understand why my students draw pictures of me all over the desks with captions like, "Straw, we hate you!" But they love me...don't worry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! standardized test day, the kids will LOVE that. They can see what kinds of animals they can make out of the scantron sheet bubbles. HEHE