Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Napping at work

I just fell asleep at my desk. I figure this happened for a couple of reasons:
1) Grading Anne Frank essays is really boring
2) It's the end of the year
3) I'm still recovering from Saturday night's chiva...pictures to come

Our summer vacation starts exactly one month from today. It couldn't come any sooner. Right now the kids are acting like total butt heads, the eighth graders were a little slow in developing their rotten teenage attitudes, but now they're full-blown. They've been rolling their eyes at me a lot. At this time of the year it's hard to be the adult in the situation.

It's also really hot in Barranquilla, which doesn't help my crankiness one bit, as you can probably tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the stance on psychological intimidation there? I'd bring a box in and threaten to unleash its contents if they get out of order. How are they to know its shaking because it's filled with juvenile rabbits? I would label the box Chupacabra with my own blood so they knew i meant business too.