Saturday, October 25, 2008

La Troja

Last night Amber hosted a birthday party for Ana Lucia, the head of human resources at the school. She does everything for us, so we celebrated her birthday in a big way. By the end of the night Brad was the last guy left with four girls who wanted to go dancing. So, we all headed to La Troja, a salsa bar near our house. If you know Brad you know he doesn't dance (even though he was in swing choir in high school) but it's okay because he had a bigger role last night: he was our patron. Before we could even sit at a table the men were asking for dances, but here they don't just ask the lady, they also ask the guy that the lady is with, which for all four females was Brad. Brad really embraced this role, sitting at the table, drinking his beer, sizing up the men and nodding his head. It was a good night. Colombians are fantastic dancers, it's fun to just sit and watch. But really, I couldn't sit for long because Brad didn't refuse a single offer.

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