Monday, November 10, 2008

6 things

1. Our airconditioner is poisoning me. Even though we cleaned it, it still fills the room with dust and crap and makes my eyes itch, my nose run and my throat hurt. Last night I slept in the hammock, away for the danger. I think I'll go to the doctor soon.

2. Last weekend we went to the beach in Puerto Colombia. It's about a 20 minute cab ride from Barranquilla. The beach isn't what I would call nice, but it's still a beach. And during the afternoon we discovered that rum mixed with coconut water is delicious. The guy selling coconuts parked his cart by us all day. Once the sun set we decided to head back home, so we stood on the side of the road and waited for a taxi to come along. None did. Evetually a guy we sort of knew (a friend of a friend of a friend) came by and said that the river went over the road going back to Barranquilla and that cars were backed up for miles. No taxis could get through, busses were also stuck. So, he let us all pile into his car, and for hours we waited in line to get through the only open lane of traffic. It was uncomfortable, but we felt very adventurous.

3. This weekend the janitors invited us to their town for a sancocho. This meant even more gringos stuffed in a car for an even longer ride to a town about an hour south of where we live. It was so fun (once we finally got there). Everyone was hot, sweaty and gross at the end of a day of drinking rum and dancing out on the patio.

4. I have lots of pictures to post, but I forgot my camera.

5. Word is out: I'm going to be an aunt!

6. There's a small possibility that we are moving to India. Details later.

1 comment:

Laura said...

you cant move to india. okay i guess you can but wouldn't you miss me too much. I mean baby smith needs his auntie sarah! :)