Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I've been a bad blogger. But I think you'll understand why when I tell you what I've been up to:

Planning: A wedding in Jamaica and a move to India. This takes up about 90% of my brainpower and leaves me with no sympathy for the students who also claim to have busy lives. "You think this is too much homework? I'll show you too much homework."

Gossiping: For a while Brad and I weren't the only ones looking for jobs. The gringos here are all abuzz about who's staying and who's moving on. So far only the people that we came here with two years ago are leaving. Eric and Sue are going back to Minnesota, Amber just got a job in Bogota and Jenny went to the job fair in Waterloo and came back with a job in Morocco.

Dieting: The other day a student offered me a piece of candy and when I said no thanks she tilted her head, eyes all big and asked, "Why not Missis? You're not fat." A few hours later the high school secretary asked me if I was pregnant.

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