Monday, February 16, 2009

Santo Tomas

On Saturday we went to Santo Tomas, a small town south of Barranquilla for their Carnaval parade. I don't have any pictures of that because, as usual, part of our camera wasn't working. Somewhere we lost the battery charger for the small camera, and we didn't want to bring the new one, so...let's see.
It was dusty and hot. And like any Carnaval celebration there was a lot of corn flour and foam for throwing and spraying: two main Carnaval activities.
I also recall many meat carts. I'm going to be sure to take a picture of one of these meat carts before we leave. I think my dad told me once that people use every part of the pig except the snouts and the buttholes, but here I'm pretty sure I've seen both.
At one point in the day I went off in search of a bathroom. I must have looked lost because a man asked me if I needed directions. When I told him what I was looking for he pulled me across the street, knocked on the door in front of us and asked the people inside if I could use their toilet. Inside the house there were two toilets and probably 20 chickens. I had a nice chat with the owners, asked them about their chickens, (What do they use them for? Eggs and meat. Silly gringa.) and then made my way back to the parade.
After the parade was over everyone gathered in front of the church for more craziness. Around 8 pm Brad and I both realized we hadn't eaten anything all day. We daringly purchased two hotdogs from a nearby stand and plopped down on the sidewalk to eat.
Not long after dinner we headed back to Barranquilla where we were finally able to scrub off five hours of sweat, foam and flour. Just four short days before we get to do it all over again.

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