Sunday, August 9, 2009

ups and downs

I'm sorry I left you for so long with just an I'm sick post.
It turns out that things just had to get really bad before they started to get better, and that's how things are now: much, much better. I didn't have food poisoning on Thursday, turns out I just had a 24 flu. I decided this was so when my body was aching so bad that even my teeth hurt. And this was all happening while I was waiting in line at immigration, which is never fun but so much worse with the flu.
But then I woke up the next day as an official Indian resident and feeling 100% better so I decided not to drive straight to the airport after all and put in a full, productive day at work. Work, I think, is going to be good. I have only 19 students TOTAL, which is almost 100 less than I had last year and there are many great resources. So, that, at least is a very bright point.
There are other good things too, we found a Thai spa where we spent some time yesterday. It costs too many rupees to make it happen more than once a month or so, but we left there feeling pampered and relaxed.
Food is good here too and, like Barranquilla, almost every place delivers. Last night we had some South Indian food delivered and ate it downstairs while upstairs someone from the furniture store was busy assembling our new dressers. This morning I was able to finish the rest of the unpacking at long long last.
And, this is probably the best news of all, we found a maid, Subu, who I think will be great. She came over on Saturday so I could show her the ropes and she really whipped this place into shape. You should have seen the dustbunnies she uncovered. So now we have a nice, clean house and the assurance that it will be that way 5 days a week.
I really mean it this time when I promise that I will post pictures soon. Probably not tomorrow, because it's the first day of school and I'll have way more interesting things to tell you about.
In the meantime, if you want to see some pics you should go check out my beautiful niece here: http:.//

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