Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Works with Americans

We get At a Glance: India's only cultural magazine for expats, in our mailboxes at school once a month. This morning I opened it right up to "What Works with Americans" and had a good chuckle.

Here's my favorite excerpt:

Americans don't understand indirect communicators: If you can't do something you simply have to use the word 'no' in the sentence. No other nicety will drive home the point.
For example:
Bob: "Are we still on schedule?"
Nitin: "Oh yes, we are working very hard on it."
Bob: "Great, my teams are excited to see the finished product."
If you think you didn't really commit because you indicated that the project was running late with the phrase "we are working very hard," then you are wrong. The American heard the "Oh yes" and not the "no" and presumes it will be given on time. When you don't deliver, there will be fireworks!

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