Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Over Valentine's Day weekend, Brad and I went to Dune, a beach resort just north of Pondicherry. It was perfect. I want to live there.


Anonymous said...

OK, I am guessing it was not single digit temperatures in Pondicherry. Did you need your torch lights as recommended?


SM - MM - CC - VU ;) GUESS! said...

dear mrs paul... we were recently watching some of you pictures and honestly you are much pretier than mrs leage.. like you have wondeerfull eyes and in your wedding you looked stunning your eyes are like two green lakes with sparkles and glitter and littles stars here and there.. its a potent color like iguana green just. perfect. in the other side we have mrs. leage that is skinny as a spaghetti with n boobs and no hump :) you do have something going on there sistah soul... mrs leage looks like a old vampire she has black bags below her eyes and she does not compare with you! plus..her eyes are distorted like a chameleon.. annnddddd once she wore the same clothes for 2 days in a row and her hair was all messy and greasy ew ew ew i dont know what was going on with her that last night. WOOOHOOOO dot dot dot. :O (watch mamma mia if you dont know what is dot dot dot ;)... ) we really miss you mrs. straaww we miss your voice, your little songs for us to do stuff, your little pair with a clock chain that you always wore, your classy dresses with the little sweaters, and the purple dress with the green little sweater, you always telling us funny stories about your life, YOUR WEDDING PLANING IN CLAASSSSS :D.. omg i think im gonna cry :( wee lovee youu soooo muuchh come baaackkkkk :( i bet those indians are boring. COMEEE BACKKKK :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
hear some of this songs :
somewhere only we know
break even
miles away
eternal flame
baby remember my name
karma chameleon :D this songs remember us of you.

withh sooo muuchh loveeeee... some of the your 7th now 8th graders :D
XOXO your always loved best class noisy and fun 7th graders lol.. now 8th soon 9th kiss skiss kiss smua mua mua love lol mua

SM - MM - CC - VU ;) GUESS! said...

dear mrs paul... we were recently watching some of you pictures and honestly you are much pretier than mrs leage.. like you have wondeerfull eyes and in your wedding you looked stunning your eyes are like two green lakes with sparkles and glitter and littles stars here and there.. its a potent color like iguana green just. perfect. in the other side we have mrs. leage that is skinny as a spaghetti with n boobs and no hump :) you do have something going on there sistah soul... mrs leage looks like a old vampire she has black bags below her eyes and she does not compare with you! plus..her eyes are distorted like a chameleon.. annnddddd once she wore the same clothes for 2 days in a row and her hair was all messy and greasy ew ew ew i dont know what was going on with her that last night. WOOOHOOOO dot dot dot. :O (watch mamma mia if you dont know what is dot dot dot ;)... ) we really miss you mrs. straaww we miss your voice, your little songs for us to do stuff, your little pair with a clock chain that you always wore, your classy dresses with the little sweaters, and the purple dress with the green little sweater, you always telling us funny stories about your life, YOUR WEDDING PLANING IN CLAASSSSS :D.. omg i think im gonna cry :( wee lovee youu soooo muuchh come baaackkkkk :( i bet those indians are boring. COMEEE BACKKKK :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
hear some of this songs :
somewhere only we know
break even
miles away
eternal flame
baby remember my name
karma chameleon :D this songs remember us of you.

withh sooo muuchh loveeeee... some of the your 7th now 8th graders :D
XOXO your always loved best class noisy and fun 7th graders lol.. now 8th soon 9th kiss skiss kiss smua mua mua love lol mua

Anonymous said...

The comments from your former students are awesome! They made me smile!


Nitza said...

Sara, did you get married?!! if so and those are some of your wedding pics, you looked beautiful!! Congrats my friend and I miss u!

Angela Straw said...

looks like you had fun, and you did some relaxing.


Anonymous said...

Large-frame sunglasses save lives- I'm glad you're still sporting yours!