Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Did I mention that we are in Bangkok this week? I don't think I did. We decided to end the trip here so we could do some shopping and have city time. We got a little crazy last night, so that's why I'm blogging a lot today. We're not doing much else. Well, Brad is lying around and moaning. He thinks we were ruffied. I think we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Anyway, I've been organizing pictures and realized we neglected our little camera this trip. Since we got the big fancy camera we don't use the point and shoot much. But it has some fun features and takes pretty good pictures. Here's a few:

Can you believe we lived out of these for 6 weeks?  I unpacked my whole pack for the first time when we got back to Bangkok and I was shocked to see all the stuff I had in there.
This lady rowed her boat around Halong Bay to sell to tourists on the big boats.  I thought she was working pretty hard so I bought a pack of cards from her.  I like how the water looks in this picture.
Hanoi airport
This guy has some questions to answer.  1) Why aren't you wearing underwear?  2) Doesn't the feeling of the wind blowing on your butt make you realize that it's hanging out?  3) Do you maybe want us to see your butt?
Bangkok at night
funny money
There was a little parade down our street yesterday, but that's not why I put this picture up.  There's a story to go along with it.  OK, before I go on, I just want to say, I'm not making fun at all...not like the guy with the butt.  Anyway.  Right behind these kids there was a leper.  He was a cop directing traffic.  I've never seen anyone with leprosy before and it was just so....horrible.  It made me feel sick.  You know how when you see someone with a bad injury your stomach turns into a hard little ball?  That's how I felt.  And then I felt worse for feeling sick.  And Brad was like, "Don't feel bad.  He has a job.  He's happy.  He's probably a really great guy."  And I don't doubt that, but I couldn't get over it.  Brad also says it's because of people like me that lepers have to live in colonies.  I didn't have much fun at that parade. 


Sarcasmic said...

.4 Is he wearing some kind of strap just above his crack? And what is that about?

Sarah said...

We think it's a money belt. We had a good long time to look at it, so we're pretty sure. Two hours his butt was hanging out!
Andrea, I meant to tell you, we met a couple from Spain who take a two week trip every year. They said Iceland is the best place they've ever been! Can't wait to hear about it at the MAT reunion! :)

AJ said...

How do you identify someone with leprosy? What if he was just REALLY allergic to his polyester traffic-cop uniform?

Sarah said...

Finally thought of a way to describe a leper. Like they have giant gumdrops under their skin. Giant, horrible gumdrops.