But I should say, this picture was unintentional. I asked the lady carrying this load if I could take her picture, and before I knew it I had her hat on my head and her bamboo around my shoulders. A fortuitous miscommunication. We also got some good bananas and lychee out of the deal.
Sarah we love reading the blog, I am usually reading it to Abby she loves looking at the pictures, but trying to write a comment with her is impossible! I will try to be better, just know we do love it!
Looks like you are having great fun!
I love it!!! You look adorable. Abby is gone again and you are my new background. I just post what ever makes me smile. And....glad to know that you survived the junket. More pics?
Love, Mom
Tell us about lychee.
OK, to eat a lychee you crack it open and inside there's a thing like an eyeball, but just the white part. That's the good stuff. It's got a strange, but delicious texture, like soggy jello maybe. So, you put all that in your mouth and chew off all the goop till you get to the seed, which you don't eat. I usually spit it into the lychee shell cup and then drop it into the gutter.
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