Thursday, July 8, 2010

South China Sea

We have found the beach! Our vacation has finally reached the relaxation stage. I keep telling Brad, "I feel like I was born for this." And he says, "I don't know what you mean by that."
like a fish in water
like a buffalo on a prairie
like a chicken in a coop
That's how I feel.

Maybe you're thinking, "I'm so sick of stupid Sarah and all her fun times, she runs around the planet then makes me feel guilty about not leaving a comment." So, I'll tell you about the bad day we had before I get back to the good.

It started on Wednesday morning, in line at the airport. Brad took one look at my face and asked if there was something the matter. Before I could even stop it I was standing there, tears streaming, blubbering: my baby niece only knows me in pictures, this is the longest we've ever been away from home, I miss my friends, I miss my parents, I miss everyone back home, and SHIT! I'm even crying as I type this. So, there it is, I'm really, really homesick. And it felt the worst on Wednesday. Somehow being in line at the airport triggered it, and put me in an all-day slump.

Things got worse once we got to Hoi An, and checked into a piece of crap hotel. We've had some bad hotels on this trip, bedsprings that I worried would tear my leg open, moldy curtains, that kind of thing, and by late evening on Wednesday I'd just had it. I was done.

Then I picked myself up, brushed myself off (had to, the room was dirty) and started all over again.

Now we're here:

We tripled our hotel budget ($25) so it's a big splurge, but I don't think I mind. We have an outdoor shower and bathtub, a nice soft bed, a DVD player and all the bootleg DVDs we bought in Hanoi (Mad Men and Modern Family are our current favorites). There's also a pool and a good cook who brought us plate after plate of Vietnamese food for dinner last night. And the best part is, they've loaned us the hotel scooter, which takes us right to the beach.

So, I'm happy again. But still homesick. Anybody want to come visit? We've decided to stay a while.


Anonymous said... do miss us! And we miss you too. However, you might never pass this way again and we will be right here. As you get older you won't tolerate bad beds, moldy curtains and ridiculous bus rides and like your Dad says it makes for good material.
We have beach blood and I totally understand. Carry on.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

If you came home to visit I'd be happy to buy you a glass of wine! Glad you're on the mend and enjoying yourself again but I know your folks would like you to visit!


Sarah said...

MOM! Of course I miss you, you don't know how much. Or maybe you do :) You would like this beach. Only problem is it's too pretty to read.

Jan, I will take you up on your offer at Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could come visit but I think our travels are limited thanks to Gemma Rose!!! So enjoy your travels while you are childless ;) We miss you soooo much and can't wait to see you over Christmas! Love you guys!!! Michalea

Sarcasmic said...

3 Things:
1. I'd say the hotel splurge was worth it--sounds awesome.

2. Sorry you were homesick! How long has it been since you've been home?

3. I would love to come visit, but unfortunately already did my international trip for the summer (Iceland). But you're making me want to go to South Asia when I never really had the desire before.

Anonymous said...

We too (2) miss you both. What a wonderful white sandy beach. And would we like to join you? More than you will ever know. Always our love....Mom and Dad Paul

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. Your mind just goes blank. Hard to conger up any thougts at all. It is just wonderful.


Love, Mom

Angela Straw said...

aa sr h thats aunt sarah in abby speak.

she loves looking at the blog, she will know who you are :)

looks like a wonderful place.

ang and abby

Anonymous said...

Hey, I found the comment section while getting caught up on your blog. Eureka!
Phrases to guide your travels:
"Eat, Drink and be Merry"
"It doesn't cost that much more to go first class"
"Supreme Respect Mon"
Unc g

Anonymous said...

I'm holding you to sharing a bottle of wine with your mom when you return at Christmas. Keep the good times coming! I still love your blog!
