Wednesday, September 22, 2010

sad today

The Paul family has recently suffered two losses, and today we are remembering Aunt Penny and Grandma Jean. Penny passed away a few weeks back, followed not long after by her mother. Brad is sad, to say the least, and we are both feeling the distance from our families, really wishing we could be HOME.

So lately the mood at Monsoon Manor (my petname for the house) has been glum. We are, as always, grateful to have each other, but also, again, as always, missing our family and friends back home.

India isn't making a hard day any easier. I was covered in sweat before I even left the house this morning. It was 90 degrees at 8 am. Since it's Wednesday I got a nice layer of dust to coat the layer of sweat on the rickshaw ride to work.

I am escaping the heat of Chennai for the heat of Bombay this weekend. Taking the swimmers to their big tournament. So Brad will be on his own. Send him some love if you can!

And lots of love to the Paul family. We wish we could be with you today.


Anonymous said...

so sorry for your loss Brad!! Your family is in our thoughts and prayers!! Miss you guys tons!

When you are back in IA in December you will appreciate that heat in India ;) XO's Michaela

Angela Straw said...

Hey Brad and Sarah!

We are thinking of you both, and the entire Paul family. We love you guys!

Ang, Adam, & Abby

Anonymous said...

We love you both and want to let you know that the day has gone as well as expected. Very sad needless to say, but Grandma and Penny are at rest with Grandpa.
Lots of love to you both.....think SNOW to help cool you off!!!!
Love always Mom, Dad, Carley & Neal

Laura said...

Think of you both! So sorry to hear such sad news. Love you Brad and Sarah!
p.s. i still can't believe you are an Indian swim coach. HAHA, it makes me laugh out loud thinking about it! So awesome! You must be like Summer Sanders to them!! :)

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. I'll be thinking about you.
