Monday, September 24, 2007


Mondays are rough everywhere, but they're worse when you teach in the tropics and the air conditioner in your room stops working.
The kids wouldn't stop complaining, "Missis, it's so hot.
"I know it's hot. Don't you think I know it's hot? I've been stuck in this room all day."
That's when they realized that the heat makes me cranky.

There is, however, a bright spot in my day and that is Bingo night at school. The prizes are as follows:
a plane ticket to Panama
a plane ticket to anywhere in the USA
a trip to San Andres
the new ipod nano with video
a thousand dollar credit at one of the local casinos
and much more

Last year they offered breast augmentation as a prize, but it aroused too much controversy. I honestly don't see what's so controversial about offering a 13 year old a boob job, but TIC.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would growing a thick dark mustache and walking on my knees be sufficient to blend in with the children? Screw The Price is Right.

Wait, kids have facial hair in Colombia right?
