Friday, November 30, 2007

maybe it's bad karma

I'm sick and I don't know why. Maybe it's some sort of monkey virus that has held on since Tyrona and is only now showing up. Maybe there was a bacteria in my morning juice. Maybe some jungle mud worked its way into my foot on the barefoot hike I took over the weekend and has just now made it up to my stomach. I'm beginning to suspect, however, that this is some type of terrible punishment for all of my past indiscretions. Maybe karma has stationed itself in my bowels to purge me of every sin I've ever committed... or maybe these are just the feverish ramblings of a weak-stomached gringa who ought not to be living in the tropics.

Update: I think I did have a fever when I wrote that. I'm feeling better now, just sick of being sick. It's frustrating not knowing why or how I got to be in such a condition in the first place. I suspect it's a virus. The locals say that when the breezes start to come into Barranquilla everyone gets ill, sort of like when the weather gets cold at home. The "breezes" are definitely here, they're rattling the windows at night. So I guess it's not a monkey virus after all, just a tropical breeze virus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get better so you can put some new pictures up!!!
