Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Party

We were all thinking it was a bit strange to have the party on a Wednesday since we have a full school day today, but it got even stranger when we sat down at the restaurant and a bottle of rum was almost immediately placed in front of us. The rum is served with lime juice and coke, (no, not that kind)and it seemed to be coming in a never ending supply.

The restaurant was called Canta Gallo (singing chicken). Canta Gallo is also Barranquilla's most popular karoake bar. Before going I was imagining total embarrasment for everyone. I was wrong. Colombians can sing! And they're amazing dancers. I didn't get in on the karoake action, but I did dance. I think I danced with everyone at the party.

They say that Colombia is the fourth happiest country in the world, I've even heard second happiest country in the world. I don't know how they measure it, but I can see it. Have you ever been to a party where the whole room is dancing? Even Brad danced.

Eventually the restaurant kicked us out and everyone piled into taxis to go to various bars around the city. We stayed out until after one, I did it against my better judgement.

Waking up this morning was rough, but Gustavo, the guy we ride with stayed out until 4. We showed up 15 minutes late to school and no one said a word.

I've decided that the students have worked very hard and deserve to watch a movie today.

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