Friday, July 31, 2009

happy :)

I'm still a little jetlaggy and need a nap, but I thought I should let you know that we're happy in Chennai. Sentences require too much energy so here's a list of good things:
1. Our house has an air conditioner in every room
2. We went grocery shopping yesterday and found: peanut butter, good cheese, crackers, Cadbury chocolate, 50 cent pomegranates, good bread, granola bars...pretty much any kind of food we could ever want except meat and booze...
3. BUT I have a phone number of a guy who will supposedly deliver meat and wine to the house. I have to tell him that I was referred by Mr. Ed
4. In my classroom I have a video beam, a computer, a PHONE and A PRINTER! I can't tell you how much easier life is going to be with just those last two things. I also have boxes and boxes of books. Oh, and the pull-down, roll-up Rand McNally maps (because I'm a social studies teacher now too) but I can't reach the cord, so I guess in a while I can add stool to my list
5. There is a gourmet coffee shop at school AND a grocery store full of western foods AND the entire roof is covered in tennis courts AND there is a big, beautiful swimming pool that we can use any time
6. The school has been taking us out to dinner every night and tomorrow they're taking us to the beach
7. I found both a temporary and permanent drawer solution
8. Our driver is finding us a maid :)
9. I'm almost unpacked
10. I haven't thrown up or had diarrhea even once!!!!! knock on wood

1 comment:

Jenny Lathrop said...

Hi Sarah and Brad! I'm so glad you guys are liking it so far. I love reading your updates!