Tensing Pen is in Negril, about an hour and a half from the airport in Montego Bay. The ride from the airport wasn't exactly pleasant, but Tensing Pen is worth the trip.
We did various things to entertain ourselves during the week. There wasn't much to do for the wedding at that point so I got to spend the day relaxing by the pool, or on the front porch of our cottage. Almost everyone jumped off the bridge that goes across part of the property and there were rafts that we could use to float around on. There were beautiful sunsets and we saw dolphins almost every day.
We also got to sample some of Jamaica's delicious cuisine: jerk chicken, curried goat, shrimp, fish, festival bread and the organic ital food across the street at a little roadside shack called Ras Rhody's. Every morning people trickled in to the restaurant for breakfast. I can't tell you how nice it was to wake up and take twenty steps and see almost all my friends and family.
Tensing Pen is a gorgeous place. It was perfect for a wedding, but I can't wait to go back and just be on vacation.
Brad and I didn't take a single picture the whole week we were in Negril, so everything I'm posting here is from AJ, our excellent photographer and friend.
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