Monday, September 7, 2009

la casa, por fin

our car
I love our cabinets, but they're a little bare
toaster, coffee maker, tea kettle, microwave=4x the number of appliances we had in our former home

for some reason the fridge always goes in the dining room here

not sure who these people are

master bedroom

first Indian artwork
hot shower creator!

we had to buy trays for the countertop since there was almost no storage in the bathroom, expect down below, which started to hurt our backs
guest bedroom (could be yours!)
scary guest bathroom (we'll let you use ours)
soon, we will get a TV
our new couches, upstairs

rooftop pictures coming soon. Brad is just finishing his project...


Mr. Joel said...

I call guest bedroom! Who am I kidding, I'll probably just sleep out front of your doorway.

Anonymous said...

Looks very nice!! I have been anxious to see your house. Always like to see where my kids are living.
