It's about 110 degrees in Chennai and that means power outages. Over the weekend I had a nice meal on the stove when the lights went out. Since the gas was still on I tried my best to take things in stride and kept on cooking.
It worked out. Things always do. Which brings me to the point of this post:
I was feeling really sad because there was a store here that used to be called FARTS. That was its real name. They had a big sign and everything. I kept meaning to take a picture of it, but suddenly, the name changed. To Jesus Christ Fine Arts. Which, is still kind of funny, but not half as funny as FARTS. But miraculously, thank you Jesus! they now have both names on the sign: Farts and an abbreviated Jesus Fine Arts. Pictures coming soon....
I don't know.....I am sensing an optomist here!! Things always work out?!?
But I still hear voices in my head..'Mom stop it'
Anxious for the pics.
Your optimism is only discouraged in those rare times when someone just wants to feel sorry for herself!
You should come see Farts for yourself. I'll take you on a tour.
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