Saturday, April 24, 2010

If it ain't broke

break it.

Last night someone threw a cement block through our back windshield. This happened on the same day that one of our home air-conditioners was finally fixed. It makes me wonder if there's some sort of law of physics around here that something, must, at all times be broken. Would physics even be to blame? I'll defer to the three immediate members of my family on this one. All scientists, I'm sure they can explain.

I am kind of tickled about the timing. We accidentally let our car insurance lapse for three days, so our insurance policy at the time of window-smashing was just one day old.

I say I think this is kind of funny, but it won't be if the insurance doesn't pay. It's impossible to know if they will. You might be like, yeah, of course they will! That's what insurance companies are for! But then you forget who I'm dealing with over here. Last night we had to pay a cop 20 bucks just so he'd write an incident report.

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