Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

from Vietnam

Yesterday our taxi driver said, "USA and Vietnam used to have war, but now we are good friends. No problem."

Well, thank you taxi driver, we are happy to be here.

We're in Hanoi now, the capital. It is a crazy, hectic city. Last night we just wandered around and ate good food. Our big plan for today was to go to the Temple of Literature, a Confucian temple that was also the country's first university. It's a really nice, shady spot with lots of trees and ponds, but the thing I liked best about it was the turtles. I should say, they're only concrete turtles. The turtles hold up tablets commemorating the students who successfully completed their doctorate exams.

The university stopped running in 1779, but today students with an upcoming exam still come to the temple to rub the turtles' heads for good luck. I watched one girl rub every single turtle head and there were maybe 50 of them.

I love test-luck rituals. The Colombian kids used to dramatically cross themselves before and after exams, but I've not noticed any rituals in my new group of kids, so I bought a little turtle for them. I named him Hochi.

After Ho Chi Min. Who, I admit, is someone I'm completely ignorant about. But I do know he was a commie, and like I told Brad, “I’m not doing any commie crap today.” Nu uh. Not on the 4th of Ju-ly. So when we walked past Ho Chi’s mausoleum, we didn’t go inside. We took jump pictures instead.

You know what’s funnier than a jump picture? A failed jump picture. HA! hahahahahahahaha

After that our camera died (revenge of Ho Chi Min I suspect). But I can tell you about the rest of our day.

We ate a good lunch.

I bought a dress while all the shopgirls laughed at me. Yes, shopgirls, I know that to you I am huge. But in my country I am normal-sized, so shut it.

We had drinks at a fancy hotel on the water and watched a man paddle a boat with his feet, while he used his hands to pull up his nets. It wasn’t a show or anything, just his fishing spot. I wish I’d had my camera for that, for you. Maybe we’ll go back. It would be a big sacrifice to go back to the fancy hotel on the water and drink more delicious drinks, but I’ll do it. For you. SPEAKING OF! My mom is the only one who leaves comments here and I know there are people reading this thing. Show me some love! Not that your love isn’t enough, Mom! Kisses! x0x0x0x0!

Kisses to you all. I’m off to bed. Tomorrow we wake up early to go to Halong Bay.


Anonymous said...

I've left comments for you in the past but have been negligent about reading your blog. You are loved by me, too! Happy 4th of July!


Anonymous said...

I would like to see you and Brad in the traditional vietnamese hats which I suppose have a name. I have the Thailand picture in hats and apron on my background.
Hope your camera isn't permanent dead I would be very, very sad.

Love, Mom

Unknown said...

The Iowa Life section in today's Sunday Register is about a guy who went to the countries on your current tour. Has story and pictures of the river you floated and other points of convergence.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm there seeing everything that you describe, everytime I read these posts.

Marta M. C.

Anonymous said...

Sorry sweetie I have been remiss in my lovey wishes. X's and O's to you and Brad, I love reading about your adventures. Our adventures involve lots of clouds, wind and rain. Some lightening. And funnel clouds. Have a great time sweet cheeks, and keep the blargy comin'! Aunt DeAnn

Sarah said...

Thanks everyone! I feel the love ;)

Seth said...

So...I think about leaving comments often because I read your blog often and it makes me insanely jealous of all of the cool things that you guys do.

Then I don't leave comments because I don't really know you and you don't really know me and I feel a little bit like a blog stalker. (We have met once before, though. I'm a friend of Adam's and you were at a poker night one time)

However, your pleas for comments struck a chord with me because I have heard the same thing from my wife about our blog (that she does the majority of updates to).

All of that is to say...Keep the posts coming. You are a great writer and you have a wonderful way with words that makes me laugh/smile on nearly every post. Oh yeah, and your pictures are great, too!

Sarah said...

Thanks Seth! and don't worry, I'm a big time blog stalker!

Sarcasmic said...

Here you go... Um, jump pictures = hilarious. I like how you did jump pictures (and wrote that like it's a thing everyone should know about) instead of commie crap. :) Do you have a special camera w/ good shutter speed for these jump pictures?