Monday, October 25, 2010

are we there yet?

Tikhedhungga to Ghorepani
Day Two

I'm probably not the best person in the world to hike with because I always want to know how much further we have to hike.  Luckily, we hiked with a guide, and he always answered my questions.  "One hour, maybe two," he'd say.  "Slowly, slowly."

Day two, again, was up, up up.  But this time we were rewarded with views of the mountains.  

Day two was also the day we decided to start taking naps after lunch.  A good call.  When is that ever a bad idea? 

I knew all day that our destination was Ghorepani, so when we arrived in a town and I asked, "What's the name of this town?"  and our guide said, "Ghorepani," I said, "Oh! Good!" then threw down my walking stick and started looking for the warm showers and cold beers.  Our guide said, "This is lower Ghorepani, we're going to upper Ghorepani."


But it wasn't so bad.  Warm showers and cold beers were only fifteen easy minutes away.

This brings me to the trip's greatest dilemma:  What do you have first?  The warm shower or the cold beer?

Solution:  Bring the beer into the shower!  I can't take credit for this solution, I saw another lady doing it.  Showers from this point on were communal.

The lodge in Ghorepani had a big, warm fireplace and excellent food.  Everything overlooked the mountains outside and later in the night there was a thunderstorm.

We had a great dinner and good company, then went to bed early for the pre-dawn trip up Poon Hill.  

our guide, Shiva
first view of the mountain!
Nepali people do not rely on modern tools
I told you I was a lucky lady!
See the lady in the background?  She was about 100 years old, carrying a ton of weight and kicking our butts up the hills. 
In Spanish it's called a siesta
Brad kept calling the lodges, lounges.  HA! 

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