Monday, January 21, 2008

Like sheep among wolves

We went to our first carnival celebration on Friday. As soon as I got to the parade I started composing a beautiful blog entry and I took about 100 pictures.
Sadly, at the end of the night our camera was stolen along with the memory card and all of the pictures.
I was really upset on Friday, crying, "What about the blog?" But I guess it could have been worse: apparently thieves come to Barranquilla from all parts of Colombia just to rob people during carnivals. This morning when I was telling my students what happened, they said, "Your camera got stolen? Well, we got stolen!"
"You mean you were robbed?"
"No, the robbers tried to take us. They grabbed us and we were crying and screaming and then the police got them."
So, like I said, it could have been worse.

Saturday we went to comparsas, which is a huge, extravagant dance put on by the junior high and high school students at their country club. It was unlike anything I've ever seen, over 300 kids, professional choreographers, pyrotechnics, arial entrances and lots of sequins. I recieved an invitation from one of my eighth graders who was the event's captian. She had at least five outfit changes and I'm guessing each outfit cost three to four hundred dollars. Brad and I sat at her familiy's table and were served whiskey and array of appetizers.

Of course, I didn't have a camera for that event.

The good news is that some people's cameras didn't get stolen on Friday night, so I will have pictures to post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah there is never a dull moment with you! Bummer about the camera though. I hope whoever stole it goes blind from the flash. HA!
Love Ya,