Sunday, January 3, 2010

back in India

I asked for a poisoned hot dog for Christmas, or rather, the neighborhood street dog that barks all night long asked for it. But Santa has a policy against that sort of thing, I guess, because while wide awake from jet lag at 3 this morning, I got to listen to his incessant barking for several hours.
The next sound I heard was a loud groan from the kitchen where Brad had discovered five kinds of mold in the coffee pot. Three weeks away has taken a toll on the house, and now on us. Today will be a struggle.


AJ said...

I read the first sentence of this post too quickly and thought it was about poison dart frogs. Life is just one disappointment after another.

Angela Straw said...

miss you guys! hope life in India gets better for you.

Sarah said...

Poison dart frogs. That's it!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sarah and Brad. Sarah, I don't know if you remember me-Jeff Morris. I teach with Heather Warner at City High-which by the way did you know she just had her first baby? Anyways, I enjoy reading your posts very much especially since I am in Japan for three weeks with my youngest daughter. I experiencing the highs and lows of what you feel a lot. I am only here for three weeks but I am ready to be done. Your journal helped ease some of my anxiety today. I have been feeling very anxious and can't wait to get back to the States. You guys sound like you are doing great.

Sarah said...

Hi Jeff. I just saw this. Yes, I remember you. I've wondered if you and your family ever went abroad or back to the job fair.
Our friend Frank lived in Japan and he said, it's hard to live in Japan if you're not Japanese.
Hope you at least got to eat some good sushi!
Exciting news about Heather! Thanks for the update!