Thursday, October 7, 2010


One of the best things about working at an international school? October break! WOOO! On Friday we're off, this time to Nepal. We got a lot of beach over the summer, so on this vacation we're heading north for something entirely different. A six-day trek through the Himalayas.

I have to say, we are completely unprepared for it. After living in the tropics for almost four years, I have next to no warm clothes. And you all know what happened to my hiking boots. But through the generosity of some good friends, I am mostly geared up.

It would be miraculous to find an internet connection in the middle of the tallest mountains in the world. If I do, I'll send an update. But I'm pretty sure you won't hear from us until the 18th, when I hope to be: A. alive and B. skinnier. Am sure of B, not so sure of A. JUST KIDDING MOM!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!
Have fun on break! Been thinking of you and miss you! Read your blog all the time and love hearing about your adventures! :) love the one about the chennai chicken center and the one about the elephants, that looks like so much fun!!! Hopefully we'll get to see you in December!!! :) stay safe

Chels and Ty

Anonymous said...

You are going to drive your mother crazy, Sarah!
